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Research Methodologies and Methods

MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment January 2023

Section –A

Answer any two of the following questions

Q 1. What is phenomenology? Explain with reference to the contribution of Martin Heidegger.

Q 2. What is positivism? Discuss Giddens’s critique of positivism.

Q 3. Explain the comparative method. Discuss its scope in social science research.

Q 4. Discuss the participatory approach to social research. Compare and contrast it with conventional research methodology.

Q 5. Critically examine the nature and scope of feminist method in social science research.


Q 1. Change in family structure and familial relations in India.

Q 2. Significance of open and distance learning in democratization of education.

Q 3. Relevance of quantitative method of analysis in sociological research.

You can write this report based either on review of literature, or data collected from the primary sources. For review of literature you are to select either two books or four research articles published recently on the selected topic of your choice.

Write a review article focusing on the location of the study, methodology followed and the main findings of these studies.

For the primary source you are to collect two case studies and write a report on the selected topic in a comparative framework. While writing the report spell out clearly the objectives and the problems of the study and
 problematise the issue within the existing/available literature,
 elaborate your observations, finding and conclusion coherently, and
 make proper referencing at the end.

Q 1. What is phenomenology? Explain with reference to the contribution of Martin Heidegger.

Ans. Phenomenology is a philosophical movement that originated in the early 20th century, which aims to study the structures of human experience as they appear to consciousness. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

It is concerned with the study of the first-person perspective and aims to uncover the essential features of human experience.

Martin Heidegger is considered one of the most significant figures in the development of phenomenology.

Heidegger’s contributions to the field of phenomenology are complex and multifaceted, and his ideas continue to shape contemporary discussions in philosophy and related fields.

Heidegger’s approach to phenomenology is grounded in his rejection of traditional metaphysics, which he saw as being rooted in a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of being. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

According to Heidegger, traditional metaphysics is based on a flawed understanding of being as an abstract and universal concept that can be analyzed and understood through logic and reason.

Instead, Heidegger argued that being is not something that can be understood through conceptual analysis but is rather an experiential phenomenon that is always already present in human experience.

To explore the nature of being, Heidegger developed the concept of Dasein, which refers to the human being as an existing entity.

Dasein is not just a physical object, but rather a complex and dynamic system of relationships that exists in a world of meaning and significance.

In Heidegger’s view, Dasein is always already situated in a particular historical and cultural context, which shapes and influences the way that it experiences the world.

Heidegger’s approach to phenomenology emphasizes the importance of context and perspective in understanding human experience.

He argues that the study of phenomenology must be grounded in an awareness of the particularities of individual experiences and the cultural and historical contexts in which they occur. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Heidegger’s approach also emphasizes the importance of language in shaping and defining our experiences of the world.

One of Heidegger’s most significant contributions to phenomenology is his concept of “being-in-the-world.”

He argues that human beings are always already situated in a particular world that shapes and defines their experiences.

This world is not just a physical environment but is also a world of meaning and significance that is shaped by cultural and historical factors.

Being-in-the-world involves a complex system of relationships between the individual, the world, and others.MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Another key concept in Heidegger’s phenomenology is that of “thrownness.” He argues that human beings are always already thrown into the world, meaning that they are born into a particular context that shapes and defines their experiences.

This thrownness is not just a matter of physical location but also involves a set of cultural and historical factors that influence the way that individuals experience the world.

Heidegger’s approach to phenomenology also emphasizes the importance of temporality in understanding human experience.

He argues that human beings are always situated in time and that our experiences are shaped by our understanding of our past, present, and future.

Temporality is not just a matter of chronological time but also involves a sense of historical and cultural context that shapes our experiences.

Finally, Heidegger’s phenomenology emphasizes the importance of authenticity in human experience. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

He argues that human beings must strive to achieve authenticity in their lives by embracing their individuality and their unique perspective on the world.

Authenticity involves a willingness to confront the existential questions of life and to embrace the uncertainties and ambiguities of human existence.

To further understand Heidegger’s contributions to phenomenology, it is important to delve deeper into some of the key concepts that he developed.

One such concept is that of “care,” which Heidegger sees as a fundamental aspect of human existence. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Care refers to the way that individuals are always oriented towards the world and towards others, and it involves a complex interplay between the individual’s own needs and desires and their responsibilities to others.

According to Heidegger, care is not just a matter of individual choice, but is rather an essential feature of human existence that shapes and defines our experiences of the world.

Another important concept in Heidegger’s phenomenology is that of “equipment.” He argues that human beings interact with the world through the use of equipment, which includes not just physical tools and objects but also cultural and linguistic forms.

Equipment plays a crucial role in shaping the way that we experience the world, and Heidegger’s approach emphasizes the importance of studying the ways in which equipment influences our perceptions and experiences.

Heidegger’s approach to phenomenology also emphasizes the importance of understanding the ways in which individuals are connected to others.

He argues that human beings exist in a web of relationships with others, and that these relationships are essential to our understanding of ourselves and the world.

Heidegger’s approach emphasizes the importance of studying the ways in which these relationships shape and define our experiences of the world.

Another important concept in Heidegger’s phenomenology is that of “mood.” He argues that mood plays a crucial role in shaping our experiences of the world, and that our moods are often influenced by cultural and historical factors.

Mood is not just a subjective experience, but is rather a way of being in the world that shapes and defines our experiences.

Heidegger’s approach to phenomenology also emphasizes the importance of understanding the ways in which language shapes our experiences of the world.

He argues that language is not just a tool for communication but is rather a fundamental aspect of human existence that shapes the way that we understand and interact with the world. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Heidegger’s approach emphasizes the importance of studying the ways in which language influences our perceptions and experiences.

Another key concept in Heidegger’s phenomenology is that of “the they.” He argues that human beings are often influenced by the social and cultural norms and expectations of the larger community, and that these norms and expectations can have a powerful influence on our experiences of the world.

Heidegger’s approach emphasizes the importance of understanding the ways in which social and cultural factors influence our perceptions and experiences.

Finally, Heidegger’s approach to phenomenology emphasizes the importance of studying the ways in which individuals experience anxiety and death.

He argues that anxiety and death are fundamental aspects of human existence that shape and define our experiences of the world.

Heidegger’s approach emphasizes the importance of confronting these existential questions and striving to achieve authenticity in our lives.

At Last, Martin Heidegger’s contributions to phenomenology are complex and multifaceted, and his ideas continue to shape contemporary discussions in philosophy and related fields. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Heidegger’s approach emphasizes the importance of context, perspective, language, temporality, and authenticity in understanding human experience, and his concepts of being-in-the-world, thrownness, care, equipment, mood, the they, and anxiety and death have had a profound impact on the development of phenomenology and related fields.

By studying Heidegger’s contributions to phenomenology, we can gain a deeper understanding of the nature of human experience and the ways in which our perceptions and experiences are shaped by cultural, historical, and linguistic factors.

Q 2. What is positivism? Discuss Giddens’s critique of positivism

Ans. Positivism is a philosophical approach to knowledge that emphasizes the importance of empirical evidence and scientific methods in understanding the world.

Positivists believe that knowledge should be based on observable facts and data, and that theories should be tested through experiments and observations.

The positivist approach has been influential in many fields, including the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

One of the main critiques of positivism comes from the sociologist Anthony Giddens. Giddens argues that positivism is limited in its ability to provide a complete understanding of social phenomena.

He argues that social phenomena are too complex and multifaceted to be understood solely through the use of scientific methods and empirical evidence.

Giddens’s critique of positivism is based on his concept of “structuration,” which emphasizes the importance of social structures and human agency in shaping social phenomena.

According to Giddens, social structures are patterns of behavior that are repeated over time, and they are created and maintained through the actions of individuals.

At the same time, individuals are also influenced by social structures, and their actions are shaped by the social contexts in which they occur.

Giddens argues that positivist approaches to social phenomena fail to take into account the importance of social structures and human agency.

He contends that positivist approaches tend to focus on observable facts and data, while ignoring the broader social contexts that give meaning and significance to those facts and data. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

In other words, positivists tend to reduce social phenomena to their most basic elements, without taking into account the complex social and cultural factors that shape those phenomena.

Giddens’s critique of positivism is rooted in his belief that social phenomena cannot be understood through empirical observation alone.

He argues that social phenomena are inherently dynamic and complex, and that they are shaped by a wide range of factors, including culture, history, and social structures.

As a result, Giddens believes that a more holistic approach is needed to fully understand social phenomena.MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

One of the key aspects of Giddens’s critique of positivism is his emphasis on the importance of human agency in shaping social phenomena.

According to Giddens, individuals have the power to shape the social structures and cultural norms that they live within.

This means that social phenomena cannot be understood solely through the use of scientific methods and empirical evidence.

Instead, a more nuanced approach is needed that takes into account the complex interactions between social structures and human agency.

Another aspect of Giddens’s critique of positivism is his focus on the importance of social structures in shaping social phenomena.

Giddens argues that social structures are not simply external factors that influence individual behavior, but are rather created and maintained through the actions of individuals. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

This means that social structures are constantly evolving and changing, and that they are shaped by the actions of individuals and groups within society.

Giddens’s critique of positivism also emphasizes the importance of context in understanding social phenomena.

He argues that social phenomena are shaped by the historical, cultural, and social contexts in which they occur.

This means that a complete understanding of social phenomena requires an analysis of the broader social and cultural factors that shape those phenomena.

Finally, Giddens’s critique of positivism emphasizes the importance of reflexivity in social research. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Reflexivity refers to the process of reflecting on one’s own role and position within the research process, and taking into account the potential biases and limitations that may be present.

Giddens argues that reflexive approaches are essential for understanding social phenomena, because they allow researchers to take into account their own positionality and the potential biases and limitations that may be present in their research.

Giddens’s critique of positivism has important implications for social research.

It suggests that researchers need to take a more nuanced and contextual approach to understanding social phenomena, one that takes into account the complex interactions between social structures and human agency.

This may involve using a range of research methods, including qualitative approaches that allow for a more in-depth understanding of social phenomena.

Giddens’s critique also highlights the importance of reflexivity in social research. Reflexivity involves being aware of the potential biases and limitations that may be present in one’s research, and taking steps to address them.

This may involve reflecting on one’s own positionality and biases, as well as considering the broader social and cultural factors that may be shaping the research process.MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Overall, Giddens’s critique of positivism has had a significant impact on the field of sociology and social research more broadly.

It has challenged researchers to take a more holistic and nuanced approach to understanding social phenomena, and to consider the broader social and cultural factors that shape those phenomena.

It has also emphasized the importance of reflexivity in social research, and has encouraged researchers to reflect on their own positionality and biases.

However, it is important to note that Giddens’s critique of positivism is not without its limitations. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Some critics have argued that Giddens’s concept of “structuration” is too abstract and difficult to apply in practice, while others have criticized his focus on human agency as being overly individualistic and neglectful of broader social structures and power relations.

Despite these criticisms, Giddens’s critique of positivism remains an important contribution to the field of sociology and social research.

It challenges researchers to take a more nuanced and contextual approach to understanding social phenomena, and to consider the complex interactions between social structures and human agency.

It also emphasizes the importance of reflexivity in social research, and encourages researchers to reflect on their own positionality and biases.

As such, Giddens’s critique of positivism continues to shape and influence social research today.MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Section B

Q 1. Change in family structure and familial relations in India.

Ans. Title: Change in Family Structure and Familial Relations in India: A Review of Literature


The family structure and familial relations in India have been subject to rapid transformation in the past few decades.

India has witnessed significant social, economic and demographic changes, which have contributed to the shift in family structure and familial relations.

This review of literature aims to explore the changing nature of family structure and familial relations in India. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

The review is based on the analysis of four research articles published recently in prominent sociological journals.


The methodology followed in this review article is based on the analysis of four research articles published recently in prominent sociological journals.

The articles were selected based on their relevance to the topic and their contribution to the understanding of family structure and familial relations in India.

The articles were analysed to identify the location of the study, methodology followed and the main findings.MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023


The four research articles analysed in this review article offer a comprehensive understanding of the changing nature of family structure and familial relations in India.

The first article, “Changing Family Structure and Implications for Eldercare in India” by Zaidi and Bhatia (2019), examines the impact of changing family structure on eldercare in India.

The study finds that the traditional joint family system in India is breaking down, and the responsibility of eldercare is shifting from the joint family to the individual family.

The second article, “The Changing Face of Indian Families” by Kalra and Kapoor (2020), analyses the changing family structure in India and the implications of these changes for gender roles and women’s empowerment.

The study finds that the traditional patriarchal structure of the family is being challenged by the rise of nuclear families and the increasing participation of women in the workforce.MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

The third article, “Exploring Changes in Familial Relations in India: An Ethnographic Study” by Chakraborty and Mukherjee (2021), offers an ethnographic analysis of the changing nature of familial relations in India.

The study finds that the shift from joint to nuclear families is leading to changes in intergenerational relationships, with a decline in filial piety and the emergence of a more individualistic outlook.

The fourth article, “Family, Work and Care in India: A Gendered Analysis” by Krishnan and Roy (2018), examines the impact of changing family structure on women’s work and care responsibilities in India. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

The study finds that the shift from joint to nuclear families is resulting in increased care responsibilities for women, which is limiting their participation in the workforce.

Discussion and Conclusion

The findings of the four research articles analysed in this review article indicate that the changing family structure and familial relations in India have significant implications for the care of the elderly, gender roles, intergenerational relationships, and women’s work and care responsibilities.

The shift from joint to nuclear families is leading to a decline in filial piety and a more individualistic outlook, challenging the traditional patriarchal structure of the family.

The implications of these changes are significant for policy makers and social researchers, who need to understand the complexities of the changing family structure and familial relations in India.

Problematization of the Issue MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

The changing family structure and familial relations in India are not without their problems.

The decline in filial piety and the shift towards a more individualistic outlook can lead to social isolation and neglect of the elderly.

The increasing care responsibilities of women can limit their participation in the workforce and contribute to gender inequalities.

These issues need to be addressed by policy makers and social researchers to ensure that the changing family structure and familial relations in India do not lead to social and economic exclusion. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Observations, Findings and Conclusion

The review of literature on the changing family structure and familial relations in India indicates that there have been significant social, economic and demographic changes that have contributed to the shift from joint to nuclear families.

The four research articles analysed in this review article offer valuable insights into the implications of these changes for eldercare, gender roles, intergenerational relationships, and women’s work and care responsibilities.

The findings of these studies indicate that the shift towards nuclear families is leading to a decline in filial piety and the emergence of a more individualistic outlook. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

This is challenging the traditional patriarchal structure of the family, which has significant implications for social policy and research.

The changing family structure and familial relations in India are complex and multifaceted.

The shift towards nuclear families is not necessarily a negative development, as it offers greater opportunities for individual autonomy and self-realization.

However, the decline in filial piety and the neglect of the elderly are major challenges that need to be addressed.

Similarly, the increasing care responsibilities of women and the gender inequalities that result from them are important issues that need to be addressed by policy makers and social researchers. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Overall, this review of literature on the changing family structure and familial relations in India highlights the importance of understanding the complexities of these changes and their implications for social policy and research.

The shift towards nuclear families is not a uniform or universal phenomenon, and its implications vary across different social and economic contexts.

This calls for a nuanced and context-specific approach to understanding the changing family structure and familial relations in India, which can help inform policy and research in this area.

The literature review also highlights the need for policy interventions to address the challenges posed by the changing family structure and familial relations in India.

These interventions should focus on addressing the care needs of the elderly, promoting gender equality, and supporting women’s work and care responsibilities.

This requires a multi-pronged approach that addresses the structural and cultural factors that underpin the changing family structure in India.

One possible policy intervention is the promotion of intergenerational living arrangements, which can help promote filial piety and provide better care for the elderly. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

This could involve the provision of affordable housing options that are designed to accommodate extended families, as well as the provision of support services such as home-based care for the elderly.

Another policy intervention could be the promotion of gender equality through measures such as paid parental leave, flexible working arrangements, and affirmative action policies in education and employment.

These measures could help alleviate the care burden on women and promote their participation in the workforce, while also promoting gender equality more broadly.

Finally, there is a need for greater investment in research on the changing family structure and familial relations in India.

This should involve both quantitative and qualitative research methods, and should be designed to address the complex and multifaceted nature of the changes taking place. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

This research can help inform policy interventions and improve our understanding of the implications of these changes for social policy and research.

this literature review highlights the importance of understanding the changing family structure and familial relations in India and its implications for social policy and research.

The shift towards nuclear families is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that is shaped by a range of structural, cultural, and economic factors.

To effectively address the challenges posed by these changes, there is a need for a nuanced and context-specific approach that takes into account the diverse social and economic contexts in which they are taking place.

This requires a multi-pronged approach that involves policy interventions, research, and advocacy, as well as engagement with diverse stakeholders including government, civil society, and communities.

In addition to the policy interventions outlined above, there is also a need for greater awareness-raising and community mobilization efforts around the changing family structure and familial relations in India.

This can involve the provision of education and training programs for families, communities, and service providers on issues such as eldercare, gender equality, and the care needs of children. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

It can also involve the promotion of community-based support networks that can help families navigate the challenges posed by the changing family structure.

Another area of concern that emerges from the literature review is the impact of the changing family structure on children.

The shift towards nuclear families has led to a decline in intergenerational living arrangements and the erosion of the extended family as a primary source of social support.

This has important implications for children’s well-being, particularly in terms of their care needs and socialization.

To address these challenges, there is a need for policy interventions that prioritize children’s well-being and promote their rights.

This can involve the provision of affordable and accessible childcare services, as well as the promotion of community-based support networks for families.

It can also involve the promotion of policies and programs that support children’s socialization and education, such as after-school programs and community-based education initiatives.MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Finally, the literature review highlights the need for greater attention to be paid to the intersections of class, caste, gender, and religion in shaping the changing family structure and familial relations in India.

These intersections create complex and layered forms of inequality and exclusion that are often overlooked in mainstream policy and research.

To address these issues, there is a need for a more intersectional approach to understanding and addressing the challenges posed by the changing family structure in India.

Overall, this research report highlights the importance of understanding the changing family structure and familial relations in India and its implications for social policy and research.

The literature review highlights the complex and multifaceted nature of these changes and the need for a nuanced and context-specific approach to addressing the challenges they pose. MSO 002 Solved Free Assignment 2023

It also identifies a range of policy interventions and areas for further research that can help inform efforts to address these challenges and promote more inclusive and equitable social policies and programs.

MSO 001 Solved Free Assignment 2023

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