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MJM 020

Introduction to Journalism and Mass Communication

MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment January 2023

Q 1. Choose any two media theories of your choice and analyse how it fits in the current media scenario.

Ans. Media theories help us understand the complex interplay between media and society.

There are numerous media theories, and two of the most influential ones are the Uses and Gratifications theory and the Agenda Setting theory.

Both of these theories have been instrumental in shaping our understanding of how media functions in society and how it influences our perceptions and actions.

The Uses and Gratifications theory suggests that individuals are active users of media and that they choose specific media outlets based on their personal needs and desires. MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

It implies that people are not passive recipients of media messages but instead actively select and use media to fulfill specific needs.

The theory states that there are four basic needs that media can fulfill: cognitive, affective, personal integrative, and social integrative.

Cognitive needs refer to the need for information and knowledge. Affective needs relate to the emotional aspects of media consumption, such as entertainment or emotional release. MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Personal integrative needs refer to the use of media to fulfill personal identity and self-expression. Social integrative needs relate to the use of media to connect with others and form relationships.

In the current media scenario, the Uses and Gratifications theory is more relevant than ever. The rise of social media has allowed individuals to fulfill all four basic needs in new and innovative ways.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow users to share information, connect with friends and family, express themselves creatively, and engage in emotional and entertainment content.

For example, people may use Instagram to satisfy their affective needs by following accounts that post humorous or inspirational content, or to fulfill their personal integrative needs by sharing photos that express their personal style or identity.

Similarly, people may use Twitter to satisfy their cognitive needs by following news accounts, or their social integrative needs by connecting with like-minded individuals through hashtags and conversations.MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

The Agenda Setting theory, on the other hand, suggests that media has the power to influence the public’s perception of what is important and what is not.

It implies that media sets the agenda by deciding what topics to cover and how to cover them, and the public then takes cues from the media about what issues are important.

In the current media scenario, the Agenda Setting theory is also highly relevant. The rise of social media has allowed for a more democratized and diverse range of voices to enter into the conversation, but traditional media outlets still have a significant impact on shaping public discourse. MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

The coverage of major news events and political campaigns can influence how people perceive candidates or issues, and can even sway public opinion.

For example, during the 2020 US Presidential Election, the media’s coverage of the candidates and their policies had a significant impact on voter perceptions.

The Agenda Setting theory suggests that the media’s emphasis on certain issues or controversies may have played a role in shaping the public’s opinion of the candidates.

Moreover, the influence of media on public opinion is not limited to traditional news outlets. MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Social media has also become a powerful force in shaping public opinion, as individuals can use social media platforms to express their opinions and engage in discussions with others.

However, social media can also be manipulated by individuals or organizations to promote certain agendas, and the Agenda Setting theory suggests that this can have a significant impact on public opinion.

Q 2. What are the ways in which internet has affected the traditional media of print and electronic? Cite industry reports indicating internet proliferation in India during the COVID times.

Ans. The internet has had a profound impact on traditional media, including print and electronic media. MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

The rise of the internet has changed the way people consume media, and it has also changed the way media companies operate.

One of the most significant ways in which the internet has affected traditional media is by changing the way people consume news.

The internet has made it possible for people to access news from a wide range of sources, including social media, blogs, and online news portals.

This has led to a decline in the readership of print newspapers and a shift towards online news consumption.

In India, the number of internet users has been growing rapidly in recent years, with the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating this trend.

According to a report by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and Nielsen, the number of internet users in India is expected to reach 627 million by the end of 2020, with 80% of them accessing the internet through their mobile phones.

The report also states that the average time spent by Indians on the internet has increased from 3.5 hours per day in 2019 to 4 hours per day in 2020, with a significant increase in online video consumption.

The rise of the internet has also impacted the advertising industry, which has traditionally been a major source of revenue for traditional media companies.

The internet has made it possible for advertisers to reach a wider audience at a lower cost, which has led to a decline in print and electronic media advertising revenues.

This has forced traditional media companies to adapt to the changing landscape by focusing on digital advertising and creating online content.

In India, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the advertising industry. MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

According to a report by the Indian Readership Survey (IRS), print advertising in India declined by 45% during the pandemic, while digital advertising increased by 12%.

The report also states that the readership of print newspapers declined by 25%, while the readership of online news portals increased by 11%.

The internet has also had a significant impact on the distribution of media. In the past, traditional media companies controlled the distribution of their content, but the rise of the internet has made it possible for anyone to distribute content online.

This has led to a proliferation of online content, including user-generated content, which has challenged the dominance of traditional media companies.

In India, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant increase in the consumption of online content. MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

According to a report by BARC India, the consumption of online video content in India increased by 1.5 times during the pandemic, with a significant increase in the consumption of regional language content.

The report also states that the consumption of traditional media, including television and radio, declined during the pandemic.

The rise of the internet has also led to the emergence of new media companies that operate exclusively online.

These companies have disrupted the traditional media industry by offering innovative business models and creating content that is tailored to the needs of online audiences.

In India, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the growth of online media companies. MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

According to a report by KPMG India, the Indian media and entertainment industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.1% between 2020 and 2025, with online media companies expected to grow at a CAGR of 21.5%.

The report also states that the pandemic has led to a significant increase in the consumption of online media, including OTT platforms and social media.

Q 3. Select any two language dailies of your choice. Compare their editorial pages and present the differences in a tabular form.

Ans. When comparing the editorial pages of two language dailies, it is important to consider the following factors:

Editorial Focus: What is the main focus of the editorial page? Is it primarily focused on politics, business, social issues, or a combination of these?

Editorial Tone: What is the tone of the editorials? Are they neutral, critical, supportive, or a combination of these?MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Editorial Content: What types of issues are covered in the editorials? Are they focused on local, national, or international issues? Are they focused on specific topics, such as health, education, or the economy?

Editorial Style: What is the writing style of the editorials? Are they written in a formal or informal style? Are they accessible to a general audience or targeted at specific groups?

To compare the editorial pages of two language dailies, you can create a table with the above factors as columns and the two newspapers as rows.

You can then compare the editorial pages of the two newspapers based on each factor and fill in the table accordingly.

Here is a sample table comparing the editorial pages of two language dailies:

Factor Newspaper A Newspaper B

1) Editorial Focus | Primarily focused on politics with occasional coverage | Focused on a combination of politics, business, of business and social issues. social issues.

2) Editorial Tone | Generally neutral with occasional criticism. | Generally supportive with occasional criticism.MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

3) Editorial Content | Focused on national and local politics with | Focused on a mix of local, national, and international issue is occasional coverage of international issues across politics, business, and social issues.

4) Editorial Style | Formal writing style targeted at a general audience. | Informal writing style targeted at a younger audience.

Note that this is just a sample table, and the actual factors and comparisons will depend on the specific newspapers being compared.

When comparing the editorial pages of two language dailies, it is important to approach the comparison in a fair and unbiased manner and to consider a range of factors that are relevant to the newspapers’ editorial content and style.

Q 4. Which elements of a podcast make it unique and better than earlier broadcasts? Write the concept and idea of a podcast for children upto ten years of age.

Ans. Podcasts have become increasingly popular over the past few years due to their unique characteristics and ability to offer a personalized listening experience.

There are several elements that make podcasts stand out from traditional broadcasts, including their accessibility, variety, and ability to build a loyal and engaged audience.MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

One of the key advantages of podcasts is their accessibility. Unlike traditional broadcasts, which are often limited by geographical location and time slots, podcasts can be accessed at any time and from anywhere in the world.

This means that listeners can tune in to their favorite podcasts on their own schedule, making it easier to fit listening into their busy lives.

Additionally, podcasts can be accessed from a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and smart speakers, making them incredibly convenient for on-the-go listening.MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Another key advantage of podcasts is their variety. There are podcasts available on a wide range of topics, from news and politics to sports, entertainment, and education.

This means that there is something for everyone, and listeners can find podcasts that cater to their specific interests and needs.

Additionally, podcasts often offer a deeper dive into topics than traditional broadcasts, with hosts and guests exploring issues in more detail and providing listeners with a more nuanced understanding of complex topics.

Finally, podcasts are known for their ability to build a loyal and engaged audience. Podcasts often create a sense of community among listeners, with hosts and guests interacting with listeners through social media and other channels.

This can create a sense of intimacy and connection that is difficult to achieve with traditional broadcasts, leading to a more engaged and committed audience.

Given the unique advantages of podcasts, they are an excellent medium for delivering content to children. MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Podcasts for children can be educational, entertaining, and engaging, and can provide a platform for children to learn and explore the world around them.

When creating a podcast for children up to ten years of age, it is important to consider the following concepts and ideas:

Age-appropriate content: The content of the podcast should be age-appropriate and tailored to the interests and abilities of children in this age group.

This might include stories, songs, games, and educational content that is presented in a fun and engaging way.MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Engaging hosts and guests: The hosts and guests of the podcast should be engaging and relatable to children, with a focus on creating a sense of connection and community.

This might include children’s book authors, musicians, or other creative professionals who can share their experiences and insights with young listeners.

Interactive content: The podcast should include interactive content that encourages children to participate and engage with the material.

This might include quizzes, puzzles, or games that are integrated into the podcast and allow children to learn and have fun at the same time.

Positive messaging: The podcast should have a positive message and focus on promoting values such as kindness, empathy, and inclusivity.

This can help children to develop a sense of social awareness and responsibility, while also fostering a love of learning and exploration.

Parental involvement: It is important to involve parents in the podcast, both to ensure that the content is appropriate and to encourage parents to listen with their children. MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

This can help to create a sense of shared experience and foster a love of learning and exploration among both children and parents.

Q 5. Conceptualise and plan a fund raiser to promote tribal art through digital means.

Ans. Promoting tribal art is an important aspect of preserving the cultural heritage of indigenous communities. However, tribal artists often struggle to gain exposure and sell their works due to lack of resources and access to markets.

To address this issue, a fundraiser can be planned to promote tribal art through digital means.

The following are some ideas for conceptualizing and planning a fundraiser for promoting tribal art through digital means:

Identify the goal of the fundraiser: The first step in planning a fundraiser is to identify the goal. MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

The goal of this fundraiser would be to promote and sell tribal art through digital means, while also raising funds for the artists and their communities.

Identify the beneficiaries: The next step is to identify the beneficiaries of the fundraiser.

In this case, the beneficiaries would be the tribal artists and their communities, who would receive a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their art.

Identify the digital platform: The fundraiser would be conducted through a digital platform, such as a website, social media page, or online marketplace.

The platform would showcase the art of tribal artists, provide information about their communities, and allow visitors to purchase their works.

Engage with tribal communities: It is important to engage with tribal communities to understand their needs and preferences.

This can be done through consultations with tribal leaders and artists, as well as through research on the cultural significance of their art.

Curate a collection of tribal art: The fundraiser would curate a collection of tribal art from various communities, featuring a range of styles and mediums. This would include paintings, sculptures, textiles, and other forms of art.

Market the fundraiser: The fundraiser would be marketed through various channels, including social media, email newsletters, and press releases.

The marketing strategy would emphasize the cultural significance of tribal art, the importance of supporting indigenous communities, and the unique opportunity to own a piece of original artwork.MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Host online events: To generate interest and engagement, the fundraiser could host online events such as art auctions, webinars, and virtual tours.

These events would provide an opportunity for visitors to interact with the artists and learn more about their communities.

Collaborate with corporate sponsors: The fundraiser could collaborate with corporate sponsors to provide financial support and raise awareness about the importance of promoting tribal art.

Corporate sponsors could also provide prizes for the online events, such as gift cards or merchandise.

Ensure transparency: To ensure transparency and accountability, the fundraiser would provide regular updates on the progress of the fundraiser, including the amount raised, the number of artists supported, and the impact on their communities.MJM 020 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Evaluate the impact: After the fundraiser has concluded, it is important to evaluate the impact of the project. This can be done by assessing the number of artworks sold, the amount of money raised, and the feedback from artists and buyers.

This evaluation will help to identify areas for improvement and guide future efforts to promote tribal art.



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