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BEGS 183

Writing and Study Skills

BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment January 2023


Q 1. How are new words formed through affixation and compounding?Give examples of both.

Ans. Language is dynamic and constantly evolving. As new concepts, ideas, and experiences arise, speakers of a language find ways to express them.

Two common ways of forming new words in English are through affixation and compounding.

Affixation involves adding a prefix or suffix to an existing word to create a new word, while compounding involves combining two or more words to create a new word.

Affixation is the process of adding a prefix or suffix to a word to create a new word. Prefixes are added to the beginning of a word, while suffixes are added to the end.

For example, the prefix “un-” can be added to the word “happy” to create the word “unhappy,” which means not happy.

The suffix “-less” can be added to the word “help” to create the word “helpless,” which means without help.BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Compounding is the process of combining two or more words to create a new word. For example, the words “tooth” and “brush” can be combined to create the word “toothbrush.”

Another example is the words “black” and “board” combining to create the word “blackboard.” These new words often have a different meaning than the individual words that make them up.

Affixation and compounding can be used together to create even more complex words. BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

For example, the word “unbreakable” is formed by adding the prefix “un-” to the word “break” and the suffix “-able” to the end. The word “supermarket” is formed by combining the word “super” and “market.”

Compounding can also involve combining words from different languages. For example, the word “spanglish” is a combination of the words “Spanish” and “English.”

This new word refers to a form of language that incorporates elements of both Spanish and English.

Both affixation and compounding are useful ways to form new words in English. They allow speakers to express new ideas and concepts and to keep up with the ever-evolving language.

The use of these processes results in a language that is dynamic, rich, and always changing.BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Q 2. Describe the various steps involved in the process approach to writing.

Ans. The process approach to writing emphasizes the importance of the writing process and encourages writers to approach their writing as a series of steps rather than a single, linear process.

This approach can be broken down into several key steps, each of which plays an important role in producing a successful piece of writing.

Pre-writing: This initial stage involves brainstorming ideas, selecting a topic, and conducting any necessary research. During this phase, the writer may also develop an outline or a rough plan for the piece of writing.

Drafting: The drafting phase involves putting the ideas and information gathered during the pre-writing stage into a rough draft. The focus at this stage is on getting ideas down on paper, rather than on perfecting the writing.

Revising: In the revision stage, the writer takes a critical look at the draft and makes changes to improve the overall quality of the writing.

This may involve reorganizing the structure of the writing, clarifying ideas, and polishing the language.BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Editing: Editing involves the correction of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other mechanical errors in the writing. The writer may also work on improving the style and flow of the writing at this stage.

Proofreading: Proofreading is the final stage of the process approach to writing, and involves a careful review of the writing to catch any remaining errors before it is submitted or published.

Feedback: Throughout the writing process, it can be helpful for writers to seek feedback from others.

This may include asking a teacher, colleague, or friend to review their writing and provide feedback on areas that could be improved.

Reflection: Reflection is an important part of the process approach to writing, and involves taking time to consider what has been learned throughout the writing process. BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

This can help writers to identify areas for improvement and to develop strategies for future writing projects.

Publication: The final step in the process approach to writing is publication. This may involve submitting the writing to a teacher, editor, or publisher, or sharing it with a wider audience through social media or other platforms.

Publication provides writers with a sense of accomplishment and encourages them to continue to improve their writing skills.

Q 3. Explain with suitable examples, how diagrams can be used to organize notes.

Ans. Diagrams are visual representations of information that can be used to help organize notes. BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

They are especially useful for showing the relationships between different pieces of information and can be used to summarize complex ideas in a concise and clear manner. Here are some examples of how diagrams can be used to organize notes:

Mind Maps: Mind maps are diagrams that visually represent the relationships between different pieces of information.

They start with a central idea or theme, and then branches radiate outwards to show related concepts.

Mind maps can be used to organize notes on a topic, brainstorm ideas for a project, or create an overview of a complex idea.

For example, a mind map on the topic of climate change might start with the central idea of “Climate Change” and then branch out to show related concepts such as “Greenhouse gases”, “Global warming”, “Weather patterns”, “Sea levels”, etc.

Flowcharts: Flowcharts are diagrams that show the steps involved in a process or system. BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

They are useful for breaking down complex information into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Flowcharts can be used to organize notes on a project, a series of tasks, or a decision-making process.

For example, a flowchart on the process of making a cake might start with the step of “Gathering Ingredients” and then flow into the steps of “Mixing Ingredients”, “Baking”, and “Decorating”.

Venn Diagrams: Venn diagrams are diagrams that show the relationships between sets of data.

They are useful for comparing and contrasting different pieces of information. Venn diagrams can be used to organize notes on a topic that has multiple related components. BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

For example, a Venn diagram on the topic of “Dogs vs Cats” might have two overlapping circles, with one circle representing “Dogs” and the other representing “Cats”.

The overlapping section would represent areas where the two subjects have similarities, such as “Mammals”, “Domesticated animals”, and “Common household pets”.

Tables: Tables are diagrams that show information in a grid-like format. They are useful for organizing data in a structured way, making it easier to compare and contrast different pieces of information.

Tables can be used to organize notes on a topic that has many different components, such as a list of data or statistics.

For example, a table on the topic of “Countries with the highest GDP” might have columns for “Country Name”, “GDP”, “Population”, and “GDP per capita”.

Q 4. What aspects should be considered while writing a process analysis?

Ans. When writing a process analysis, there are several key aspects that should be considered in order to create a clear and effective piece of writing. Here are some of the most important aspects to keep in mind:

Audience: Consider who your audience is and what level of detail they need in order to understand the process. BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Will your readers be experts in the field, or will they be laypeople with little to no knowledge of the process? Knowing your audience will help you tailor your writing to their needs and ensure that they are able to follow the process.

Purpose: Determine the purpose of the process analysis. Are you trying to teach someone how to complete a task, or are you explaining how a complex system works? Understanding the purpose will help you determine the level of detail needed and how to structure the piece.

Order: Determine the order in which the steps of the process should be presented. Should the steps be presented chronologically or in order of importance? Should each step be given equal weight, or should some be emphasized more than others? Deciding on the order of the steps will help ensure that the process is presented in a logical and clear way.

Language: Use clear and concise language to describe the steps of the process. Avoid using technical jargon or overly complicated language that may confuse readers. BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Use active voice and simple sentence structures to make the process as easy to understand as possible.

Illustrations: Consider including illustrations, such as diagrams or photographs, to help clarify the process. Visual aids can be especially helpful for complex processes or when there are many steps involved.

Testing: Consider testing the process yourself or having someone else test it to ensure that the instructions are accurate and effective. This can help you identify any gaps or areas that need further clarification.

Revision: Revise the process analysis as needed to ensure that it is clear, accurate, and easy to follow. Consider having someone else read the piece to provide feedback on any areas that need improvement.

Q 5. How can cohesive devices be used to bring about coherence in a paragraph?Give suitable examples.

Ans. Cohesive devices are words and phrases that help create a logical connection between different parts of a text, making it more coherent and easier to understand.

In a paragraph, cohesive devices can be used to establish relationships between sentences and ideas, and to guide the reader through the main point.

Here are some examples of cohesive devices and how they can be used to bring coherence to a paragraph:BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Conjunctions: Conjunctions are words that join different clauses or sentences. They can be used to show addition, contrast, cause-and-effect, and other relationships between ideas.

For example:

Addition: “In addition to his regular job, he also volunteers at the local shelter.”

Contrast: “Although he’s very talented, he’s not very confident.”

Cause-and-effect: “Because she studied hard, she got an A on the test.”

Pronouns: Pronouns are words that refer to a noun that was previously mentioned in the text. They can be used to avoid repetition and make the text more concise.

For example:BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023
“John went to the store. He bought some bread and milk.”

Repetition: Repeating certain words or phrases throughout a paragraph can create a sense of unity and coherence.

For example:

“The government needs to invest in education. Education is the key to a brighter future. Without education, we cannot progress as a society.”

Transitional phrases: Transitional phrases can be used to indicate a change in topic or direction, or to summarize the main point.

For example:BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023
“Furthermore, it’s important to consider the long-term effects of this policy.”

“In summary, we need to take action to address climate change.”
By using cohesive devices, a writer can create a paragraph that flows logically and makes sense to the reader.


Q 1. What strategies would you adopt to become a critical reader?

Ans. Becoming a critical reader requires developing certain strategies and habits that enable you to analyze and evaluate a text in a thoughtful and discerning manner. Here are some strategies that you can adopt to become a critical reader:

Ask questions: Before you start reading a text, ask yourself what you hope to gain from it. BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Identify what you already know about the topic and what you want to learn. As you read, keep asking questions about the author’s argument, evidence, and assumptions.

Pay attention to the author’s purpose: Try to identify the author’s purpose for writing the text.

Is it to inform, persuade, or entertain? Understanding the author’s purpose can help you evaluate the text more effectively.

Identify key points: As you read, identify the main ideas or arguments that the author is making. Look for evidence to support these ideas and consider how they fit together.

Evaluate the evidence: Assess the quality of the evidence that the author presents. Consider whether it is reliable, relevant, and sufficient to support the author’s claims.

Analyze the author’s reasoning: Evaluate the reasoning that the author uses to support their arguments. Look for logical fallacies, such as false dichotomies, ad hominem attacks, and strawman arguments.

Consider alternative perspectives: Be open to alternative perspectives and interpretations of the text. BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Consider how the author’s argument might be different if they approached the topic from a different perspective.

Reflect on your own biases: Be aware of your own biases and assumptions as you read. Consider how they might be influencing your interpretation of the text.

Take notes: Taking notes can help you keep track of important ideas, evidence, and arguments. It can also help you identify patterns and connections between different parts of the text.

Q 2. What are the probable hard-spots in English Grammar, for those who learn English as a second language?

Ans. English grammar can be challenging for those who learn it as a second language, as it has many rules and exceptions that can be difficult to understand and apply correctly. BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Some of the most common hard-spots in English grammar for second language learners include:

Verb tenses: English has many different verb tenses, and it can be difficult to understand when to use each one.

For example, the difference between the present perfect and past simple can be confusing for learners.

Articles: Knowing when to use “a,” “an,” and “the” correctly can be challenging, as English uses articles differently than many other languages.

Prepositions: English has many prepositions, and it can be difficult to know which one to use in a particular context. For example, knowing when to use “in,” “on,” or “at” can be tricky.BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Gerunds and infinitives: Knowing when to use a gerund (a verb form ending in “-ing”) or an infinitive (a verb form starting with “to”) can be difficult for learners.

Conditionals: English has many different types of conditional sentences, and it can be challenging to understand how they are formed and used correctly.

Word order: English word order can be different from many other languages, and learners may struggle to understand the correct order of words in a sentence.

Modal verbs: Modal verbs (such as “can,” “should,” and “must”) can be difficult for learners to use correctly, as they have different meanings and uses than regular verbs.BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Passive voice: The passive voice can be difficult for learners to understand and use correctly, as it requires a different sentence structure than the active voice.

These are just a few examples of the hard-spots in English grammar that learners may encounter. However, with practice and study, it is possible to overcome these challenges and become proficient in English grammar.

Q 3. How is persuasive writing different from argumentative writing? Illustrate your answer with examples of both.

Ans. Persuasive writing and argumentative writing are two types of writing that share some similarities but also have some important differences.

Persuasive writing aims to convince the reader to take a particular action or adopt a particular point of view. The writer uses emotional appeals, rhetorical devices, and persuasive language to sway the reader’s opinion.

Argumentative writing, on the other hand, aims to present a logical argument and persuade the reader to accept the writer’s position on a particular issue. The writer uses evidence, reasoning, and logical appeals to support their argument.

Here are examples of persuasive writing and argumentative writing:

Persuasive writing example:BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Title: “Why Everyone Should Adopt a Shelter Pet”

Argument: Adopting a pet from a shelter is the best way to give an animal a second chance at life and provide a loving home. By adopting a pet from a shelter, you can save a life, reduce the demand for puppy mills, and help to control the population of stray animals.

In this example of persuasive writing, the writer is trying to convince the reader to adopt a pet from a shelter. The writer uses emotional appeals to encourage the reader to take action and adopt a pet.

Argumentative writing example:

Title: “The Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet”

Argument: A plant-based diet is healthier for people and the environment than a diet based on animal products. Research shows that plant-based diets can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer.

In addition, plant-based diets are more sustainable and environmentally friendly than diets based on animal products.BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

In this example of argumentative writing, the writer is presenting a logical argument to support the claim that a plant-based diet is better for people and the environment.

The writer uses evidence and logical appeals to persuade the reader to accept their position.

Q 4. Briefly describe the three major types of study skills and show how they help us to become better learners.

Ans. The three major types of study skills are cognitive, metacognitive, and behavioral.

Each type of study skill is important in helping us become better learners by improving our ability to learn, retain information, and apply knowledge effectively.

Cognitive Study Skills:BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Cognitive study skills are strategies that help us learn and remember information. These skills include note-taking, summarizing, highlighting, and mnemonics.

Cognitive study skills help us to better understand and remember the material we are studying, making it easier to recall the information later.

Metacognitive Study Skills:

Metacognitive study skills are strategies that help us monitor and regulate our own learning.

These skills include setting goals, planning, self-assessment, and self-reflection. Metacognitive study skills help us to identify our strengths and weaknesses as learners, and to develop effective study habits that are tailored to our individual learning styles.

Behavioral Study Skills:BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Behavioral study skills are strategies that help us stay focused and motivated when studying. These skills include time management, organization, and avoiding distractions.

Behavioral study skills help us to create a positive study environment and develop effective study habits, which can improve our concentration and productivity when studying.

Overall, by developing these study skills, we can become better learners by improving our ability to learn and retain information, monitoring and regulating our own learning, and creating a positive study environment that promotes concentration and productivity.


Q 1. Write a paragraph of about 150 words on the topic given below. Underline the topic sentence after writing the paragraph.“Protecting our cultural heritage: aspects to be considered.”

Ans. Protecting our cultural heritage is a critical issue that must be addressed by individuals, communities, and governments alike.

Our cultural heritage encompasses a wide range of tangible and intangible elements, including buildings, artifacts, traditions, customs, and languages, that have been passed down from generation to generation.

These elements are an integral part of our identity and help to shape our understanding of the world around us.

To effectively protect our cultural heritage, we must consider several aspects. One important aspect is identifying the cultural assets that are most at risk of being lost or damaged. BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

This requires conducting a comprehensive survey of the cultural heritage in our communities to identify vulnerable sites and artifacts.

Once identified, we must establish effective policies and regulations that promote the conservation and preservation of cultural heritage.

This may involve limiting development in areas of cultural significance, providing funding for restoration and maintenance, and enforcing laws that protect cultural heritage.

Another aspect to consider is education and outreach efforts. We must raise awareness of the importance of cultural heritage and promote a sense of ownership and responsibility among the public.

This can be achieved through public campaigns, school programs, and community events that celebrate and promote cultural heritage.

By engaging the public in the protection of cultural heritage, we can create a sense of pride and responsibility that will help to ensure its preservation for future generations.BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Finally, protecting our cultural heritage requires a coordinated effort among governments, non-governmental organizations, and individuals.

Governments must provide the necessary resources and support to protect cultural heritage, while non-governmental organizations and individuals can play a crucial role in raising awareness and advocating for cultural heritage protection.

Q 2. Write a well – developed composition on the topic given below: “Importance of providing skills training to students in Indian higher education .”Your composition should have a clear introduction, body and conclusion.

Ans. Higher education plays a significant role in shaping the future of students. It is the key to unlocking numerous career opportunities and enhancing one’s quality of life.

The Indian higher education system has seen considerable growth in recent years, with the number of institutions and students increasing significantly.

However, despite the growth, the quality of education provided by these institutions has been a matter of concern. BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

One of the significant drawbacks of the Indian higher education system is the lack of practical skills training.

Body: Skills training refers to the practical knowledge and abilities that students acquire outside the theoretical aspects of their course curriculum.

It involves training students in skills such as communication, problem-solving, decision-making, teamwork, and leadership, among others.

Skills training is vital for students in higher education because it provides them with hands-on experience and prepares them for the job market.

The following are some of the reasons why skills training is crucial in Indian higher education.BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Enhancing employability
The job market in India is highly competitive, and employers are looking for candidates who possess practical skills that can contribute to the growth of their organization.

Skills training equips students with the relevant skills required in the job market, making them more employable.

The training provides students with the practical knowledge and abilities to handle real-world situations, making them stand out from other candidates.

Bridging the gap between education and employment
There is a significant gap between the knowledge gained in the classroom and the skills required in the job market.

Skills training provides students with practical experience, which bridges this gap. Students who have undergone skills training are better equipped to handle work-related challenges and perform their job roles efficiently.

Encouraging entrepreneurship
Skills training also provides students with the necessary tools to start their businesses. BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

India is a country that values entrepreneurship, and skills training can help students start and run successful businesses.

The practical knowledge acquired in skills training can assist students in identifying opportunities, creating a business plan, and executing their ideas.

Fostering innovation
Skills training encourages students to think critically and creatively, which fosters innovation. It equips them with the ability to solve complex problems and come up with innovative solutions.

Students who undergo skills training are better prepared to face the challenges of the rapidly changing world and contribute to the development of society.

Developing soft skills
Soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership are essential for success in the job market. BEGS 183 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Skills training provides students with the opportunity to develop these skills, making them more effective in their job roles.

Soft skills are transferable and can be applied in various settings, making students more adaptable to different work environments.

Providing practical knowledge
Skills training provides students with practical knowledge and experience, which is essential for success in the job market.

It helps students understand how to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world situations, making them more effective in their job roles.

Students who undergo skills training are better equipped to handle work-related challenges and perform their job roles efficiently.



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