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BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment January 2023


Q 1. Read the following passage and answer the questions below in complete sentences:

1) What is your opinion about the kind of challenges women face at the workplace?

Ans (I). Based on the passage, it can be inferred that women face challenges in the workplace related to gender discrimination, occupational preferences dictated by societal norms and upbringing, compensation disparities, and balancing caregiving responsibilities.

They may also face issues related to personal security and vulnerability.

2). How do you think their organizations can help them in overcoming these challenges?

Ans (ii) Organizations can help women in overcoming these challenges by implementing nondiscriminatory hiring practices, providing equal opportunities based on credentials rather than gender, promoting diversity and inclusivity, addressing compensation disparities, providing support for caregiving responsibilities such as flexible work arrangements or parental leave policies, and ensuring a safe and secure work environment.

Sensitizing the entire workforce to the unique needs of women and creating awareness about gender equality can also contribute to overcoming these challenges. BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

3). Give a suitable title to the passage.

Ans (iii) Possible suitable titles for the passage could be:

“Gender Challenges in the Workplace: Persisting Differences and Tensions”
“Women in the Workplace: Navigating Occupational Preferences and Gender Discrimination”
“Closing the Gap: Challenges Faced by Women in Compensation and Caregiving at Work”

Q 2. Use the following words in sentences of your own:

  1. Prevalent
  2. Discriminatory
  3. Credentials
  4. Vulnerability
  5. Compensation

Ans 1.The gender pay gap is still prevalent in many industries, despite efforts towards equality.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

  1. The company implemented policies to address discriminatory practices in hiring and promotion.
  2. She was hired based on her credentials, including her education and work experience.
  3. The vulnerable populations in the community require special attention and support.
  4. The organization is committed to ensuring fair compensation for all employees, regardless of gender or other factors.

Q 3. Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

Ans. (i) Sometimes in the competitive world today jobs are not advertised.
(ii) A person who is always punctual.
(iii) The skill of reading and writing in English is essential for an office boy’s job here.
(iv) The typed letters are ready for dispatch.

Q 4. Write short notes of about 150 words each on the following topics:

(I) Body Language during an Interview

Ans. Body language plays a crucial role during an interview as it can convey a lot of information to the interviewer. Here are some tips on how to effectively use body language during an interview:BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Maintain eye contact: Make sure to maintain eye contact with the interviewer as it shows confidence and engagement. Avoid staring or looking away too much, as it may come across as disinterest or lack of confidence.

Sit up straight: Sitting up straight with good posture portrays confidence and professionalism. Avoid slouching or fidgeting, as it can convey a lack of confidence or interest.

Use hand gestures appropriately: Use natural and subtle hand gestures to emphasize points or express yourself, but avoid excessive or distracting movements that may be interpreted as nervousness or lack of focus.

Smile genuinely: A genuine smile can create a positive impression and show warmth and friendliness. However, avoid forced or constant smiling, as it may come across as insincere.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Listen attentively: Show active listening by nodding your head, maintaining eye contact, and avoiding interrupting the interviewer. This demonstrates that you are attentive and interested in what the interviewer is saying.

Control facial expressions: Be aware of your facial expressions and try to convey a positive and professional demeanor.

Avoid frowning, rolling your eyes, or showing signs of frustration or impatience, as these can be interpreted negatively.

Use appropriate handshakes: A firm handshake with a smile can create a positive impression. Avoid overly weak or overly strong handshakes, as they may convey lack of confidence or aggression.

Remember that body language should complement your verbal communication and convey professionalism, confidence, and interest in the position.

Practicing good body language can help you make a positive impression during an interview and improve your chances of success.

(ii) Organizing a Portfolio

Ans(ii) Organizing a portfolio is essential for showcasing your skills, achievements, and qualifications to potential employers, clients, or other stakeholders. Here are some tips for effectively organizing a portfolio:

Define your purpose: Determine the purpose of your portfolio and the specific audience you want to target. This will help you decide what content to include and how to structure your portfolio.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Choose a format: Decide on the format of your portfolio based on your field or industry. Common formats include physical binders, digital PDFs, or online portfolios.

Choose a format that best represents your work and is easy for your target audience to access and navigate.

Select relevant content: Choose the most relevant and compelling examples of your work to include in your portfolio.

Tailor your content to align with the requirements and expectations of your target audience. Avoid including irrelevant or outdated work that may dilute the impact of your portfolio.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Organize content logically: Organize your portfolio in a logical and coherent manner. Consider grouping your content by categories such as projects, skills, or achievements.

Use clear headings, labels, and sections to make it easy for your audience to understand and navigate your portfolio.

Provide context: Provide context for each piece of work in your portfolio. Explain the purpose, goals, and outcomes of each project, as well as your role and contributions. This will help your audience understand the relevance and value of your work.

Use visuals effectively: Use visuals such as images, diagrams, or graphs to enhance the visual appeal and clarity of your portfolio. Make sure that visuals are high-quality, relevant, and complement the content.

Keep it updated: Regularly update your portfolio with your latest work, achievements, and qualifications. Remove outdated or irrelevant content to keep your portfolio fresh and relevant.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Test usability: Test the usability of your portfolio to ensure that it is easy to navigate, visually appealing, and error-free. Ask for feedback from trusted peers or mentors to identify any areas for improvement.

Organizing a portfolio requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following these tips, you can create a well-organized and impactful portfolio that effectively showcases your skills and qualifications to your target audience.

(iii) Etiquette

Ans (iii) Etiquette refers to the set of social norms, rules, and customs that govern appropriate behavior in various settings, such as social gatherings, professional environments, and online interactions.

It helps individuals navigate social situations with grace, respect, and consideration for others. Here are some key principles of etiquette:

Respect: Show respect for others’ opinions, beliefs, and personal space. Use polite and inclusive language, avoid interrupting, and listen attentively when others are speaking.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Courtesy: Practice common courtesies, such as saying “please” and “thank you,” holding doors for others, and offering your seat to those in need.

Show kindness and consideration towards others, regardless of their background or status.

Punctuality: Be punctual for appointments, meetings, and events. Arriving on time shows respect for others’ time and demonstrates professionalism and reliability.

Dress appropriately: Dress appropriately for the occasion, whether it’s a formal event, a business meeting, or a casual gathering.

Follow dress codes and cultural norms, and avoid clothing that may be offensive or inappropriate.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Table manners: Practice good table manners, such as using utensils properly, chewing with your mouth closed, and not talking with food in your mouth.

Be mindful of others at the table and avoid offensive gestures or behaviors.

Communication: Communicate clearly, politely, and respectfully, both in person and online. Avoid using offensive language, making derogatory remarks, or engaging in gossip or negative talk.

Technology etiquette: Use technology, such as phones or computers, responsibly and respectfully in social and professional settings.

Avoid excessive phone use during conversations or meetings, and be mindful of others’ privacy and confidentiality.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Gratitude: Express gratitude and appreciation towards others for their kindness, help, or contributions. Send thank-you notes or express verbal appreciation to show your gratitude.

Cultural awareness: Be aware of cultural differences and respect them in your interactions with others.

Avoid making assumptions or judgments based on cultural backgrounds, and show sensitivity and open-mindedness towards diversity.

Apologize and forgive: When you make a mistake, apologize sincerely and take responsibility for your actions. Be willing to forgive others and let go of grudges to maintain harmonious relationships.

Etiquette plays an important role in fostering positive social interactions, building professional relationships, and showing respect for others.

Practicing good etiquette can enhance your personal and professional reputation and contribute to a more harmonious and inclusive society.

(iv) Gender Perceptions

Ans (iv) Gender perceptions refer to the societal and cultural beliefs, stereotypes, and expectations associated with different genders, typically male and female.

These perceptions often shape the way individuals view and interpret gender roles, behaviors, characteristics, and capabilities, influencing their attitudes, behaviors, and interactions with others. Here are some key points related to gender perceptions:

Stereotypes: Gender perceptions can perpetuate harmful stereotypes, such as the belief that men are more assertive, competitive, and logical, while women are more nurturing, emotional, and submissive.

These stereotypes can limit individuals’ opportunities and hinder their potential to pursue diverse roles and interests.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Expectations: Gender perceptions may impose societal expectations on individuals based on their gender, such as the expectation that men should be the primary breadwinners and women should prioritize family and caregiving responsibilities.

These expectations can create pressure and limitations on individuals’ choices and aspirations.

Bias: Gender perceptions can contribute to gender bias, including unconscious biases that influence people’s perceptions, judgments, and decisions about others based on their gender. BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Gender bias can impact various aspects of life, including hiring, promotions, salary negotiations, and performance evaluations, leading to unequal treatment and opportunities for individuals of different genders.

Intersectionality: Gender perceptions may intersect with other forms of identity, such as race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and disability, leading to complex and multifaceted experiences of discrimination, privilege, and inequality.

Intersectional gender perceptions can compound the challenges faced by individuals who belong to multiple marginalized groups.

Changing dynamics: Gender perceptions are not fixed and can evolve over time and across cultures. BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Efforts to challenge and change harmful gender perceptions are ongoing, including promoting gender equality, challenging gender stereotypes, and promoting diversity and inclusivity in all aspects of life, including education, employment, media, and society.

Individuality: It’s important to recognize that individuals are unique and should not be limited or defined solely based on their gender.

Everyone has the right to express themselves, pursue their passions and interests, and be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their gender.

Importance of awareness and education: Raising awareness about gender perceptions, promoting education about gender diversity, and engaging in critical thinking and open-mindedness can help challenge harmful gender perceptions and promote more inclusive and equitable attitudes and behaviors towards all individuals, irrespective of their gender.

(v) Cultural Awareness in a Multicultural Workplace

Ans (v) Cultural awareness is a critical aspect of navigating a multicultural workplace, where individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds come together.

It refers to the understanding, recognition, and appreciation of different cultural norms, values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape the perspectives and behaviors of individuals from various cultural backgrounds.

Here are some key points related to cultural awareness in a multicultural workplace:

Respect for diversity: Cultural awareness involves recognizing and respecting the diversity of cultures present in the workplace.

This includes acknowledging and valuing the differences in language, communication styles, customs, traditions, and worldviews of individuals from different cultural backgrounds.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Open-mindedness and curiosity: Culturally aware individuals are open-minded and curious about other cultures.

They actively seek to learn about and understand the perspectives, practices, and beliefs of their colleagues from diverse cultural backgrounds, without making assumptions or judgments.

Communication skills: Effective communication is crucial in a multicultural workplace. Culturally aware individuals strive to develop communication skills that are sensitive to diverse cultural norms, including listening actively, clarifying understanding, and being mindful of non-verbal cues and body language.

Flexibility and adaptability: Cultural awareness requires being flexible and adaptable in different cultural contexts.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

It means being willing to adjust one’s behaviors and expectations to accommodate the diversity of cultural norms and practices in the workplace.

Conflict resolution: Misunderstandings and conflicts may arise in a multicultural workplace due to differences in cultural perspectives.

Culturally aware individuals are skilled in navigating and resolving conflicts in a respectful and inclusive manner, considering the cultural nuances at play.

Inclusivity and equity: Cultural awareness promotes inclusivity and equity in the workplace. It means creating an environment where all individuals, regardless of their cultural background, feel valued, included, and respected.

This includes addressing any biases or discriminatory behaviors that may arise due to cultural differences.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Leadership and management: Culturally aware leaders and managers recognize and leverage the diversity of cultural perspectives and talents in their team.

They foster an inclusive culture that values diversity, promotes open communication, and encourages collaboration and innovation.

Continuous learning: Culturally aware individuals understand that cultural awareness is an ongoing process.

They are committed to continuously learning and improving their cultural awareness skills, and actively seek feedback and opportunities for growth.

Promoting cultural awareness in a multicultural workplace can foster a positive and inclusive work environment, where individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds feel valued, respected, and included.

It can lead to enhanced teamwork, creativity, and productivity, and contribute to the overall success of the organization.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023


Q 1. You are interested in applying for the position of relationship manager in a finance company. Write an application for this position, showing how you are suitable for this job.


Q 2. Prepare a short CV (Curriculum Vitae) clearly mentioning your career history, skills, achievements and other relevant details.



Q 1. Write an outline of a presentation on the following topic: “The Biggest Threat to the Environment of the Place you Live in”

Ans 1. Outline: Presentation on “The Biggest Threat to the Environment of the Place you Live in”

I. Introduction BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Introduce the topic of the presentation: “The Biggest Threat to the Environment of the Place you Live in.”

Provide context about the importance of environmental issues and their impact on local communities.

Preview the main points that will be covered in the presentation.

II. Local Environmental Context

Describe the place where the audience lives and provide relevant information about its environmental characteristics (e.g., location, climate, ecosystems, natural resources).

Discuss the significance of the local environment in the daily lives of the audience and the community. BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

III. Identification of the Biggest Threat

Identify and explain the biggest threat to the environment of the place where the audience lives, based on research and data.

Discuss the reasons why this threat is significant and its potential impact on the local environment, including ecological, social, and economic consequences.

IV. Causes and Contributing Factors

Explore the causes and contributing factors that have led to the identified threat to the local environment.

Discuss human activities, policies, or practices that have contributed to the problem, including pollution, deforestation, climate change, overexploitation of natural resources, urbanization, etc.Discuss any relevant local or regional factors that have exacerbated the problem.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

V. Impact on the Community

Discuss the direct and indirect impacts of the identified environmental threat on the local community.

Discuss the potential consequences for human health, livelihoods, quality of life, and social well-being.

Highlight any vulnerable groups or communities that may be disproportionately affected.

VI. Solutions and Mitigation Measures

Discuss potential solutions and mitigation measures to address the identified environmental threat.

Explore strategies for mitigating the impacts and preventing further degradation of the local environment.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Discuss the role of individuals, communities, government, NGOs, and other stakeholders in addressing the issue.

VII. Conclusion

Summarize the main points covered in the presentation.

Emphasize the importance of taking action to address the biggest threat to the local environment.

Encourage the audience to be proactive in protecting and preserving the environment of their place of residence.

VIII. Q&A Session

Allow time for questions and answers from the audience to further discuss the topic and clarify any points of interest.

Note: The outline can be customized and expanded based on the time allotted for the presentation and the specific context of the place being discussed. It’s important to back up the presentation with credible sources, data, and evidence to support the points made.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Q 2. You are planning to appear for an interview for the position of a Project Head in a reputed institution. Write out ten questions you expect to be asked and your responses/answers to these questions.

Ans 2. Here are ten potential interview questions for the position of Project Head, along with sample responses:

Tell us about your experience as a Project Head and how it relates to this position.

Sample response: I have over 10 years of experience in project management, including serving as a Project Head in my previous role.

I have successfully led and delivered multiple projects, ranging from large-scale initiatives to smaller projects.

I have a strong track record of effectively managing cross-functional teams, ensuring project objectives are met, and achieving stakeholder satisfaction.

How do you handle project risks and uncertainties?

Sample response: Risk management is a critical aspect of project management. I proactively identify potential risks and uncertainties, assess their impact and likelihood, and develop contingency plans to mitigate them.

I also ensure regular risk reviews are conducted with the team to monitor and address any emerging risks.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

How do you handle conflicts or challenges within a project team?

Sample response: As a Project Head, I believe in fostering open communication and creating a collaborative work environment.

When conflicts arise, I address them promptly and objectively, by actively listening to team members’ perspectives and finding mutually agreeable solutions.

I also focus on preventing conflicts by setting clear expectations, providing adequate resources, and promoting teamwork.

How do you prioritize and allocate resources for multiple projects?

Sample response: Prioritization and resource allocation are crucial for project success. I evaluate projects based on their strategic alignment, priority, available resources, and timelines. BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

I work closely with stakeholders to ensure resources are allocated efficiently, and I monitor progress regularly to make adjustments as needed.

I also communicate transparently with team members to manage expectations and optimize resource utilization.

Can you share an example of how you successfully managed a complex project from initiation to completion?

Sample response: One of the complex projects I managed was the implementation of a new ERP system for our organization.

I led a cross-functional team, developed a detailed project plan, identified and mitigated risks, and ensured effective communication and coordination among stakeholders. BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Through diligent monitoring and control, we completed the project on time and within budget, achieving the expected business outcomes.

How do you motivate and inspire your project team?

Sample response: I believe in creating a positive and motivating work environment. I recognize and appreciate team members’ contributions, provide regular feedback and encouragement, and celebrate achievements.

I also empower team members by delegating responsibilities, providing growth opportunities, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

How do you handle changes in project scope or requirements?

Sample response: I understand that changes are inevitable in projects. I evaluate change requests rigorously, considering their impact on project objectives, timelines, and resources.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

I engage stakeholders in the change management process, communicate the implications transparently, and work collaboratively to find solutions that minimize disruptions to the project while ensuring alignment with organizational goals.

How do you ensure effective communication among project stakeholders?

Sample response: Communication is key to successful project management. I establish a communication plan that includes regular project updates, status reports, and stakeholder meetings.

I also use various communication channels, such as email, project management tools, and face-to-face interactions, to ensure timely and accurate communication.

I actively listen to feedback from stakeholders and address their concerns promptly.

How do you ensure quality in project deliverables?

Sample response: Quality is a top priority in my projects. I define quality standards upfront and incorporate quality checks at every stage of the project.

I use quality management techniques, such as inspections, reviews, and audits, to identify and address any deviations from the standards.

I also collaborate with relevant stakeholders to ensure that quality expectations are met or exceeded.BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023

How do you ensure successful project closure and post-project evaluation?
Sample response: Project closure is a critical phase in the project lifecycle.

I ensure that all project deliverables are completed, documented, and reviewed against the project objectives.

I conduct a comprehensive post-project evaluation, including analyzing project performance, capturing lessons learned, and conducting a final project review with stakeholders.

This allows us to identify areas of improvement and apply those insights to future projects, ensuring continuous improvement in project management practices.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience to the esteemed institution as a Project Head.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing my qualifications in further detail during the interview.

Sunil BEGLA 136 Solved Free Assignment 2023


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